Through OPTION's resources, the compass is in your hands. We give you the tools you need to explore choices without getting lost in a forest of overwhelming information. We support you in your best efforts to navigate a path to better health and function.
OPTIONs does not promote, recommend or endorse any treatment, service, professional or organization. Decisions regarding use of any treatment, service, professional or organization are the sole responsibility of the family and/or caregiver(s).
OPTIONs' website contains links to external web pages independent of OPTIONs. The information on external sites is not in our control and does not represent official statements or the views of OPTIONs. We urge you to use your discretion with the information you find on external linked sites, and recommend that your family's primary health provider, and any other professionals knowledgeable about your family member's needs, be consulted when considering any new actions or treatment.