Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Down Syndrome Innovations Conference at Arkansas Children's Hospital

 Arkansas Children's Hospital and Down Syndrome OPTIONs bring you therapeutic ideas, educational strategies and research supporting translational medical interventions that can improve the symptoms seen in those with Trisomy 21.
September 11-13, 2015

Register today!

Friday, September 11, 2015

     Day 1 supports physicians and other professionals*  
                Continental breakfast and lunch included.
 Meet and Greet in the evening with appetizers.

Art Gallery featuring adult artist with T21, Billy Spillman.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

     Day 2 gives parents, advocates, and caregivers* more knowledge and better tools to help individuals with Trisomy 21. Continental breakfast and lunch included.

     *Both days of the conference will be open for parents and professionals to attend. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

     Day 3 Family day!
    Join attendees at either Little Rock Zoo or the Donald W. Reynolds Science Center

To get the group rate, email kerrinelson70(a)gmail.com to tell us which one you want to attend and how many adults and children (indicate ages) will come.    

Seize this opportunity to make life-long connections with caregivers, practitioners and researchers!
Expert Presenters on Must-Hear T21 Topics
  • Dana Crawford, Ph.D. -- Dietary Targeting of RCAN1 and Chromosome 21 Genes to Treat the Down Syndrome Population
  • Norman Schwartz, M.D. -- Thinking About Trisomy 21- Towards a Best Practices Approach
  • Barbara Strupp, Ph.D. -- Maternal Choline/Neurogenesis/Therapeutic Intervention for Basic Brain-Cognition support
  • D. Allan Butterfield, Ph.D. -- Molecular Mechanisms Engaged in Brain Prior to and Following Development of Alzheimer's Disease Neuropathology and Dementia in Down Syndrome
  • Anat Baniel -- The Therapy of the Anat Baniel Method (SM) NeuroMovementApproach®
  • S. Jill James, Ph.D. -- Oxidative Stress and Epigenetic Alterations in Down Syndrome: Targeted Nutritional Intervention Trial at Arkansas Children's Hospital
  • Richard Frye, M.D., Ph.D. -- Treatment Strategies for Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  • Alison Wimmer -- Educational Strategies: Change Your Perception of dis-Abilities
  • Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP -- Oral Placement Therapy Techniques for Better Speech
  • Erica Peirson, N.D. -- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
  • Morley Robbins, MBA, CHC -- Balancing Minerals in the Down Syndrome Population
  • Jill Rabin, M.S., CCC-SLP -- The Baby-Led Weaning Approach: An Excellent Option to Assist Babies with Down Syndrome in Transitioning to Solid Foods
  • Lydia Winans -- The Life and Times of a Teen with T21
  • Kent MacLeod -- Optimized Nutrition is Essential for those with Trisomy 21. Where's the Debate?
  • Russell Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., FACN -- Healthy Digestion = Healthy Microbiome: What to Test, What Tests Mean and What to Do

Child Care

Register now for child care. We will be providing qualified special needs care givers to make sure your little ones are safe and having fun. There will be a 2:1 ratio for kids w/special needs and 4:1 ratio for typical children, which is reflected in the price.

Hotel Reservations

We have rooms blocked off at Residence Inn Little Rock Downtown. Let them know you are with the Down Syndrome Innovations Conference.

     View map of Arkansas Children's Hospital.

Speaker Schedule

Friday, September 11, 2015

Norman Schwartz, MD
Barbara Strupp, PhD
Anat Baniel
Jill James, PhD
Dana Crawford, PhD
A.S.P Van Trotsenburg, MD, PhD
Jorge Busciglio, PhD
Alan Butterfield, PhD
Richard Frye, MD, PhD
Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, FACN

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Alison Wimmer
Raphael Kellman, MD
Louis Silva, MD, MPH
Morley Robbins, MBA, CHC
Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP
Jill Rabin, MS, CCC-SLP
James Bieneman, DDS
Erica Peirson, ND
Kent MacLeod
Neus Martinez Abadias, PhD
Lydia Winans

Please support our mission

Donate to Down Syndrome OPTIONs today!

Monday, May 4, 2015

International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society

The time has come, DS Community! 

The first annual International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society is June 4-7 2015 in Paris. 

3 1/2 days packed from 8:30 AM to 7:15 PM with researchers, clinicians and DS organizers all sharing up-to-the-minute research.
DS OPTIONs needs to be there to represent you and bring back all the info we can gather...

And share...
Dr. Erica Peirson's poster presentation on Down Syndrome and Hypothyroidism has been accepted!
Wouldn't you love for the DS world to hear about the importance of proper thyroid management in our kids?
And possibly spark interest in a research study assessing reverse T3 in young ones with T21?

Please help Dr. Erica Peirson and Andi Durkin, President of DS OPTIONs, represent you in Paris!

Even the smallest donation can make a big difference.
On mobile devices, click "web version" for donate button.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Down Syndrome Conference in Chicago May 21, 2015

We look forward to meeting up with you at the Down Syndrome OPTIONs booth!

Catch up on the latest research and learn tips to best care for your loved one with T21 from experts.

** Promote Better Speech ** Proper Thyroid Treatment ** Innovative Educational Tips ** Understand Methylation ** Zinc and DS Connection ** Anxiety and Adrenal Link ** Testing and Solutions for Digestive Issues **

Here are the in depth topics and expert speakers scheduled for the Down Syndrome Track in Chicago, Thursday, May 21, 2015:

Gemiini's Discrete Video Modeling for Down Syndrome -- Dramatic gains seen in research and in practice.
Laura Kasbar

Addressing the Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Adrenal Axis Using an Integrative Approach in DS

Thyroid and Biomedical Basics: Where to begin
Norman Schwartz, MD

Seven Essential Steps to Maximize Educational Potential in the Child with Down Syndrome
JoQueta Handy, MS, CCC-SLP

Redox and Methylation Status in Down Syndrome
Richard C. Deth, PhD

Healthy digestion = healthy microbiome: What to test, what tests mean, and what to do.
Russell Jaffe , MD, PhD

Pyroluria: Links to Down syndrome and autism
Erica Peirson, ND

Click to watch past years' videos.

 Childcare is available, please click for details.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that appears in one of every 691 live births. It is the most common chromosomal disorder and can cause delays in physical and intellectual development. Individuals with DS have 47 chromosomes instead of the typical 46. This unusual cell division happens immediately at conception. Neither race, nationality, religion nor socioeconomic status influences the rate of occurrence of DS.

What are the three types of Down syndrome?

The most common form of DS is known as Trisomy 21 (T21), which accounts for 95% of cases. The remaining 5% are due to conditions called mosaicism and Robertsonian translocation. Mosaic DS results when some cells in the body are typical while others have T21.  Translocation occurs when part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division and attaches to another chromosome. The presence of this extra part of chromosome 21 causes some characteristics of DS. Although a person with a translocation may appear physically typical, he or she has a greater chance of having a child with DS.

What options do people with T21 have?

Through medical strategies, neurodevelopmental exercises and biomedical intervention, the options for people with T21 is growing and evolving every day. Exciting new research helps us understand and uncover different ways to address the symptoms people with T21 have. And, since these individuals have similarities to those with Alzheimer's Disease, scientists have taken a renewed interest in finding treatment for dementia in both populations. Researchers are working to improve, correct or prevent many of the problems associated with the diagnosis.
According to the National Down Syndrome Society's website, "Scientists now feel strongly that it will be possible to improve, correct or prevent many of the problems associated with Down syndrome in the future." 

Some people believe that the effects of T21 are just a fate that you accept. But, according to an article in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, "Genetic diseases [such as Down syndrome] are generally thought to be untreatable, but the underlying mechanisms are biochemical and thus can possibly be modified." And this study states that "Learning disabilities and mental retardations that were considered permanent are treatable." Either way you look at it, there are a wide variety of options which can be very helpful, depending on each individual. Some options may lead to great improvement and others may have little or no effect on your child. How can you figure out what works for your child? Participation in Autism360 may help.
Autism360  is free database that was created to allow parents of children with Autism share information with each other on what is working or not working for their child. Parents have found this tool so valuable, that families with children with T21 are using it as well.  You simply share information about your child in a secure, anonymous way and then you can compare your information with other families. The information includes your child's surgeries, therapies, symptoms, strengths, supplement/medicine list. The more people who use this database, the better. Please consider investing a small amount of time to participate. It's very interesting what you may learn about your child! Let us know if you have any questions on how to use it.

Where can I connect with other families who are searching for answers?

  • For parents with a prenatal diagnosis or a baby under a year old, you can join the Facebook group called Down Syndrome Baby Steps for support through the first year.
  • For parents/caregivers for individuals with Down syndrome, join the Facebook group Unlimited Potential, which focuses on neurodevelopmental therapy and the Trisomy 21 Nutrition and Supplementation GroupPlease let us know if you want to join so we can add you.
  • For parents with babies and young children with Down syndrome, join the online group Unlimited Potential Parent Group.
  • For parents with family members with the dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, join the DSA of Louisville to learn about IEPs, etc. For putting together a plan of action including biomedical intervention, join the yahoo group called DS-Aut Recovery.
  • For Australian families with a child with Down syndrome, there's a Facebook group that's just for you! If you want to join, contact them at their page.
  • For UK families with a child with Down's syndrome, there's a Facebook group called Down's Syndrome Proactive Parents UK. Please let us know if you want to join so we can add you.
  • Para las familias que hablan español, hay un grupo de FB llamado Padres proactivos párrafo Síndrome de Down.
  • Para as famílias que falam português, há um grupo chamado FB 21 A Trissomia do Amor. Este grupo discute uma ampla gama de tópicos, incluindo supplemenation para indivíduos com síndrome de Down. Para perguntas específicas sobre tais terapias alternativas, você pode marcar "DS Daytoday".
  • Colorado Families, there's a proactive Facebook group just for you to share local resources. https://www.facebook.com/groups/297811473747318/

What family blogs support a proactive approach to T21?

Where can I read about Vitamin Therapy and Down syndrome online?

Where can I learn about Neurodevelopment and Down syndrome?

Where can I get biomedical information on Down syndrome?

Where can I learn about an integrative approach to Down syndrome (nutritional, enviromental, alternative therapies)?

Where can I get news on Down syndrome topics?